Our Ministries

  • Solace


    : to cheer in grief or under calamity; to comfort: to relieve in affliction; to console.

    Our "Solace Ministry" began years ago when Pastor Don and Theresa first opened their home to minister to those in need of a place to stay when visiting Mayo Clinic for medical treatment.

    We have had the honor and privilege of ministering to many in need.

    Areas of ministry may detail; prayer for the sick, transportation to and from appointments, meals to family members visiting family while in the hospital, and housing while in town for appointments.

    Contact for more information:


  • Missions

    Calvary Chapel Rochester believes in fulfilling the great commission and the spreading of the Gospel to the unreached and broken. 

    We are actively and financially supporting the following ministries: (Click on the names below to visit their websites for more information)

    Transform Cuba

    The Refuge of Hope - Cajabamba, Peru. 

    Casa Grande Centro de Misiones Internacional