Song Sheets

Here is a listing of the songs we do at church. Click on the button to view an Adobe PDF of the song in order to print it or save it.

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ and have a musical talent or ability then feel free to join us for practices before church. Church doors open on Sundays around 8:30 to allow time for setup and practice begins at 9:00.

  • Set list for Sundays and wednesdays

    Click here to go to our Workflowy lists of the songs we will be playing Sundays and Wednesdays. Unfortunately, as life is unpredictable, so too is when these lists will be posted.

  • Song Sheets

    Click here to go to our shared drive to download song sheets you would like. You will need to log in to ccrmusicministry for access.

  • Request Access

    Click here to request access to our song sheets section.